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We can make the educational dreams of a student a reality with YOUR support! TAX DEDUCTIBLE monetary donations can be made via the PayPal form below in a donation of any amount!!!!! We are truly appreciative of each and every donation!
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Since 2002, The LEAD Scholarship Foundation has supported many talented African American high school seniors in their pursuit for academic excellence. We seek to ease the financial burden as these bright students enter into colleges and universities as well as providing mentoring programs for students.
Our benefactors and supporters empower LEAD Scholars to shape their futures with a strong educational foundation. Your generosity is vital in The LEAD Scholarship Foundation’s ability to provide financial assistance to our Scholars.
Our lifeline is based upon our wonderful volunteers. If you would like to learn how volunteering with our organization may benefit you, please contact us. We are always looking to work with companies (both large and small) to discuss how employee volunteerism with our organization can benefit each individual company!